Student Mystics – High School or College Students recruit 2 Others in a Teach to Learn process.
The object of the training is to move through fears of taking charge and trading places with others
who might seem more in charge.
Teacher Mentors – Corporate or Organizational Leaders recruit 2 Others in a Teach to Learn process.
The object of the training is to pass the take charge baton and allow yourself to
be a student again.
Wisdom Masters – Transformational Alchemists recruit 2 Others in a Teach to Learn process.
The object of the training is to refrain from outwardly advising in order to harness the energy of wisdom and hold it in, to be more effective and dynamic.
Student Mystics Train with 7 Practices, 28 Lessons, Videos, Audio & Learner’s Guide
Teacher Mentors Train with 9 Practices, 36 Lessons, Videos, Audio & Learner’s Guide
Wisdom Masters Train with 12 Practices, 48 Lessons, Videos, Audio & Learner’s Guide
Participants rotate the teaching role every third lesson.
Learning comes by serving in the Mentor/Teacher role.
The Teacher / Mentor prepares for the up-coming session
and schedules a meeting with the other 2 Participants.
In subsequent sessions, the next Participant takes the
Mentor / Teacher role as the rotation continues.
Inviting 2 members to join you is part of the training,
teaching you how to recruit teams for learning.