Welcome . . . to the Extraordinary. 


Habits of Heroes (HoH) is a unique training and learning experience that serves as an add-on skills module for high school students, practitioners, staff – any person involved in the professional development of business and life. 



High School and College Students seeking clarity of direction and depth in their future focus

Leaders/ Managers:

Life-Long Students who want to learn the ways of a mentor and assist in the raising-up of others

Executive Coaches:

Professionals who would utilize this program and process when developing their own client base

Parents, Teachers and Front-Line Responders:

Healing Professionals who are seeking the kinds of benefits that result from this unique approach to a holistic way of living

Your Hero Guide and Customer Service Specialist, Paul Manieri: Paul is a USN Veteran, Executive Mentor, and Grandparent, with more than 30 years of SMB and corporate experience. He’s worked as an entrepreneur, business analyst, and executive consultant for more than 800 companies and non-profits. As a practitioner of the Habits of Heroes (HOH) curriculum, Paul is passionate about the transformational process and the cultural code that emerges from the HOH program and process.


People are currently diminished by distraction, deception and disintegration. These 3 forces interfere with becoming who we are meant to be as we strive to serve with love and confidence.


The outcome of this program confronts these 3 societal forces, by focusing on:


Action Items

Pay It Forward: Donate to our Scholarship Fund, focused on  expanding the Wingspan reach for everyone

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