"The practice of goodness
will be the revolutionary
element necessary to
lead us out of our current
cultural distress -
distraction, deception,
and even disintegration -
and onward toward a
new horizon."
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Jubilee Year ~ Opening of the Sacred Door

Jubilee year is the 25th year, in which landowners and merchants historically gave their products to the culture.
In celebration of my last 25 years, in the corporate and non-profit world, with the deepest gratitude,
I give the gift of all of my offerings, FREE of CHARGE to you for The Greater Good.
This includes the virtual process for:


  • Habits of Heroes – 12 Practices for the Greater Good- individually or in Triads
  • Mentoring Masters – a 12 month, 12 sessions – individually or in Triads
  • The Show Kids – a weekly 30 minute online program of music, art, teaching and play for children 5-11 years
  • Two of my virtual books: The Year of Your Transformation Journal and/or Living Simultaneously: Balancing Self-care, Relationships and Work

Please register here for your FREE Jubilee gift