Teaching our children values-based lessons

has come through such giants as Mr. Rogers and Jim Henson. There is minimal programming that fills their shoes. KiDS will be a weekly, 30-minute online show that includes music, storytelling, interactive exercises and unique characters. Join us for the Launch on May 1st, 2023


The show KiDS grew from a desire to model behaviors like do good, be present, grow and develop life-skills, learn and share. We knew that a TV show could address Life issues in creative ways and help kids find a path to life-giving growth and creativity.


Kids are at the center of a harsh daily life with school shootings, abuse at home, substance abuse, anxiety, depression.  The show offers kids choices on how to deal with these issues and emphasizes the importance of kindness, sharing, learning and loving thy neighbor as thy self.


30-minute video segments utilize music, storytelling, art and interactive activities.


The show allows creative expression for kids to share what they are holding inside of their busy minds; it connects diverse communities still separated by color; it offers entertainment and laughter and imagination and play; and helps kids navigate the times we’re in.


We wanted to leverage post-pandemic malaise and lack of excitement due to a stressful environment in order to up-lift kids and encourage the path forward. At the same time, we focus on being authentic, practicing what we “teach”, setting the standard for appreciation of Life and then working to achieve that standard. Finally, we want to let the programs season and grow over time before demanding perfection of any of the talent.

How & When

Via a website link http://theshowkids.com/

on Smart phones, home computers, iPads – any internet connected mobile device.

40 episodes in 2023 – one each week beginning October 1 and released each Saturday morning at 6:00 a.m. EST.

for weekly distribution to an unlimited virtual audience.


There is a Creative Committee and an Advisory Board that is here to help us be authentic and be original, set a high standard to arrive at “over time”, adhere to good business practices, build the right income and resources to sustain the Show, up-lift and encourage us to keep going with demanding production, and connect us to others who want to help us succeed.


We have incredibly skilled and talented partners, highly creative groups, business-savvy people, financially savvy people, age and experience, and inspired connections to communities. Many have over 30-years-experience in Television and Broadcast and Audio and Video Production. They have also been published writers, content creators, web designers and . much more, again, for over 30 years.


The Northern Neck of Virginia and Beyond

From Our Home to Your Home “Living Room”

The Challenges

Sharing life practices that benefit all people

The resistance of people to ALL people

Making time to sit down and watch a show

Participating in Community events that are “new”

Having realistic talent be accepted in the
world of “air-brushed” tv