Wingspan, a 501(c)3,  began in 1995 with YOUTH in mind. Gang leaders and troubled teens were the first to engage in our two year leadership program. As lives changed in two of the worst crime precincts in America, the purpose of this work became clear – to help change a community and then a nation by transforming lives one person at a time.


Today, on the Wings of Wingspan, all participants take flight through programs, processes and possibilities. They become transformational contributors to the Greater Good for the benefit and healing of not only themselves, but for the well being and wholeness of the greater community.


The organization Wingspan is a non-profit committed to gathering under its wing creative ideas, programs and action for interested contributors to The Greater Good through education and interactive programming in a teach to learn process.


The leaders within Wingspan are Citizens of Social Responsibility for Global Impact. We empower hearts and minds so lives may be transformed for The Greater Good.


“We cannot do everything- which enables us to do something – and to do it very well.” Oscar Romero

Why we do what we are doing is because we know our WHY – our reason for being – our purpose. For many, this path is not clear yet when discovered, the individual and collective whys becomes the driving passion behind making a difference that can become a lasting legacy.


Unique Programming

Utilizing our “Teach to Learn” process, groups of 3 (triads) experience our delivery platform. All transformational systems are ternary – not binary, dualistic or competitive. Thesis is countered by anti-thesis resulting in a potential synthesis. By three participants working collaboratively to learn and practice The Habits of Heroes TM, a creative process occurs with behavioral change realized more efficiently.

We offer three platforms for three levels of participation.

Level 1: Students: (Senior) – teacher – student (Junior) – 7 Habits

Level 2: Business leaders:- team member –team member –team member – 9 Habits

Level 3: Elder- student – leader – 12 Habits

All Habits are delivered through a Learning Management System at your own schedule and time preference

The Show KiDS has grown out of inspiration by children’s television giants like Mr. Rogers and Jim Henson. We hope to continue that high standard as we offer a weekly, 30-minute online show that includes music, storytelling, teachings, interactive exercises and unique characters.


The outcome of our programming challenges three major societal problems: 

Distraction – our declining ability to focus due to technological seduction

Deception – our willingness to embrace or ignore truth as a norm

Disintegration – our decline as a culture that results in chaos and destruction


Currently, Groups of 12-25 school students are learning The Habits of Heroes by high school teachers who have been certified in the program. Hundreds of Corporate leaders have been taught and taught their employees lessons they learned from an Executive Mentor resulting in a deepening of their own understanding and behavioral change in their corporate culture. Two major cities are seeking funding for their police officers, elected officials and key volunteers to participate in this process.


The Show KiDS is in production for an April, 2023 launch as a WebTv weekly distribution to a network of email addresses we are currently building.


Please join us NOW and help enable us to “do something very well.”